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[입이트이는영어/입트영] marriage_Talk about how people's views on marriage have been changing. Talk about how people's views on marriage have been changing. [Speech practice] Just 20 years ago, the prevailing view was that marriage was absolutely necessary. But more and more these days, young people tend to think of marriage as a matter of choice. To them, it's not a must. There are a few reasons for such shifting views. First, the high cost of getting hitched is the top reason. The weddi.. 2022. 2. 28.
[입이트이는영어/입트영] New food items New Food items [Speech practice] There are more and more tailor-made foods these days that take into account consumers' personal preferences and physical conditions. In the past, the brand was the biggest deciding factor when people bought food. Nowadays, the contents of the food are more important. For example, People who are sensitive to caffeine can order decaf coffee. Even when buying milk, .. 2022. 2. 28.
[입트영/입이트이는영어] Self-Planned Trips [Speech practice] Talk about self-planned trips In the past, people often picked all-inclusive travel packages when planning a trip. But these days, more and more people are gravitating toward self-planned trips. First of all, there is a huge amount of travel information online. There are travel blogs and YouTube channels, and ordinary people take travel photos which they then post on social med.. 2022. 2. 28.
[결혼준비 1] 상견례 / 비채나 / 상견례 선물준비 / 상견례 대화주제 상견례,, 결혼 준비 중에 가장 걱정되고 잘하고 싶었던 아이템이다. 상견례를 위해 3가지를 준비했다. 1. 시간&장소에 대한 양가 협의 2. 장소 예약 3. 선물 준비 장소 선택 이유 물망에 올랐던 장소는 63 빌딩 / 워커힐 / 롯데 시그니엘 였고 우리는 '롯데시그니엘_비채나'를 선택했다. 시그니엘을 부모님들이 한번도 방문해보지 못했고 위치상 중간이었고, 가격이 워커힐보다 저렴하면서, 무엇보다 룸으로 구성된 점, 81층의 화려한 뷰 여러 가지 이유로 우리는 비채나를 선택했다. > 워커힐의 경우에는 카드를 신청하면 저렴하게? 할인이 가능하다고 한다. 예약 방법 장소를 예약했다. 정말 힘들었다. 주말 점심/저녁은 거의 풀방이었고 한 달 전에 겨우 한 자리 있어서 예약을 했다. 더예약에서 예약이 가능하고, .. 2022. 2. 25.